
The Ascended Masters appear to people in their meditations from time to time. It can be hard to determine who they are as google often produces conflicting images and unsatisfying results, and then the Masters themselves can be inconsistent in their appearances. Jesus can have light brown hair or black hair; he likes to mix it up. El Morya can appear as himself or as Abraham (one of his past lives). Archangel Michael actually has black hair, not the blonde he is often painted with. It can all be quite confusing.

Below I've started  a list of those who stand out as different, have interesting features, are commonly seen, or have identified their name and form to me. I will continue to update this list.

Abraham (a n incarnation of El Morya ) –  He wears a white robe and has piercing blue eyes. His skin is deeply tanned, making his eyes stand out even more.

Amaterasu ( the Japanese Shinto goddess of the sun ) –  She has Japanese features, her face is wide, and her hair has ornaments and is adorned. She wears an elaborate Japanese Kimono. Don't confuse her with White Tara, who has finer features. She is a Second Ray Master.

Amen Bey  – He is tall and thin. He has a number two haircut, a thin chiseled face, and almond shaped amber eyes. He is holding a rapier sword and wears a black waisted coat that swings rather like a twirling dervish coat. He is a Fourth Ray Master.

Anubis ( Egyptian god of the underworld ) –  He appears in two ways , either as a man with the black head of a jackal or as a young, Egyptian man with no shirt and a white loincloth . His features are handsome, and he has dark hair and dark eyes. He can also give an image or feeling of teeth to announce his presence.

Archangel Gabriel  – He has brown hair, light brown eyes, a feminine face, and wears a white robe. He carries a horn. He is Archangel of the Fourth Ray.

Archangel Michael  – He has black, shoulder length hair, blue eyes, and a muscular build. He has white wings. He carries a sword. His hair is not blonde as commonly depicted.

Archangel Raphael  – He has dark hair with a fringe. His eyes are a startling mid blue. He wears a short tunic. His wings are pearlescent white. He is bigger than Michael in height and more muscular. He is the Archangel of the Fifth Ray.

Chananda  –  He is Asian Indian and dark skinned. He has a short stature, black eyes, cowlick on the front of his hair so his hair stands up, and a barrel chest.

Cha Ara  – He ascended in the Middle East. His skin is olive, like those from the Middle East. His nose is his distinguishable feature in that it droops at the tip and is wide. His dark hair is about three inches all over. He looks about 21. He is full of energy and rather likes himself. He can be seen wearing Ali Baba type red pants and a very white shirt , o r he can appear in a leather jacket and jeans. If he was in body today, he'd be into music and dance. He is fun. He is a Fifth Ray Master.

Dom Ignacio  –  He usually wears a black priest habit , but he does wear red on occasion, especially when healing. He is short. He is balding with black hair. He can be seen with a walking stick. He is a Third Ray soul.

Elijah  –  See St. John the Baptist.

El Morya  –  He often appears in a black Prussian blue or white robe. He wears a white turban, sometimes with a bright blue sapphire that is surrounded by black diamonds in the front. He also wears a rectangle shaped sapphire ring surrounded by black diamonds. His eyes are dark brown/black, but he can appear with blue eyes when he is taking on his Abraham persona. His cheekbones are high, his hair is black, and he wears a short beard. His energy feels like peace, balance, and support. He a revered teacher.

Eros  – Eros appears as a young man with light brown/dark blond hair with a touch of apricot in it. His persona is smiling and friendly. He would be described as attractive. He wears a short, white robe.

Freya ( Norse goddess of love )  – Her hair is yellow blonde and plaited. She wears a white dress with red ribbons hanging from it. She is a Second Ray Master.

Gautama Buddha  – He has dark hair with red in it and has a tall, slight frame.

Ganesh  – He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a handsome face , though scarred on one side. He is a Fifth Ray Master. He can appear with his elephant head persona.

Hathor  – She has shoulder length, straight black hair with fringe. She wears many items of jewelry - bracelets, collar, hair adornment, and rings. Her dress is long and apricot coloured. She is the type of Master who gives excellent hugs. She looks to be in her 40's with a soft, curvy figure. She is not to be confused with Isis and Ma'at who look similar. She is a Sixth Ray Master.

Hilarion  – He has shoulder length, wavy, auburn hair pulled back off his face. He has a wide face and high cheek bones. His face is open and friendly. He wears a long forest green robe with some orange detail in it. He can appear in an orange robe.

Hine-nui-te-po  – The Maori goddess of the Underworld. Her hair is white and wild, like the wind is blowing through it. Her skin is dark. Her blue eyes look intense. She is a vast being and very heart driven.

Inanna  – The Sumerian goddess of war and love. She is a Fourth Ray Master. Her aura is pure white with silver rain through the centre. She has long, dark hair with fringe. The front of her hair is loosely caught on each side with gold toggles at chin level. Her skin is olive, and her eyes are a stunning green. She wears a gold band around her forehead with a gold drop over the third eye. Around her neck is a gold torque necklace. She is wearing a long white dress with no sleeves.

Isis – She appears with straight black hair to her shoulders and a fringe across the top of her eyes. She wears a gold, floor length dress with a belt at the waist. Around her neck is an enameled fan shaped necklace of blue, green, yellow, and red (ruby). She has a refined, ethereal quality to her energy. She is a Sixth Ray Master.

Isolde  – She wears a garland of flowers in her blonde hair, which has thin plaits falling down her face from her forehead.

Jesus  – Jesus likes to change his appearance. He can have dark hair and dark eyes or he can have light brown hair . He rarely has a beard; he is either clean shaven or has a few days of beard stubble. He does have high cheek bones, which can produce a slight concave look to the cheeks.

Krishna  – He has black hair. He is young with refined and delicate features. He is not to be confused with Babaji of the Yogananda lineage, who is still in body.

Kuan-ti  – He appears in a leather plated warrior dress. He is not as fierce as Susan'oo.

Kuan Yin  – Kuan Yin gives the impression of activity. Her long dark hair is pulled back in a waist length plait. She is petite. She is a Third Ray Master.

Kuthumi  – He eyes can appear a little crazed and unfocused. He has blue eyes, light wavy hair, and a beard.

Lady Nada  – She is often painted with blonde hair, but her hair is dark. It can appear to be blonde because of the light shining from her. Her last life was in India. She presents with soft, feminine Indian features and light olive skin colour. Her eyes are blue.

Lao Tze  – He often wears loose pants and tank top or a martial arts outfit. He wears his hair tied back and plaited, and he is slightly balding on top. Don't confuse him with Lord Lanto, who usually wears a skull cap. Lao Tze has bubbling, happy energy. He is a Second Ray Master.

Lord Lanto  – If he was to present himself to you, he would appear with Asian features, reminiscent of his last life in China. He wears a Manchurian jacket and pants with a black skull cap (he calls it modern dress). He wears his hair tied back and long.

Lord Ling  – He is a tiny Asian man. He is very small. One of his previous lives was as Moses.

Ma'at  – She has shoulder length, straight black hair with a fringe. She has jeweled ribbons hanging at the front of her hair, and she wears white all the time. She is full figured. She is a Third Ray Master.

Maha Chohan  – He can appear with and without his turban. He sometimes wears a ruby in the front of the turban, and he often produces a rainbow around himself to let you know it's him. He has dark hair and dark eyes. He has a slight build.

Mary Magdalene  – She has dark hair, a round face, and wide set eyes. She can identify herself with a magenta rose.

Melchizedek  – He appears in two forms, one as a handsome, clean-shaven young man with long, waist-length white hair, the other is his most common form as an old man with long white hair and a long white beard. He can appear decrepit. He wears a white robe. He is a First Ray Master, though his order (the Melchizedek order) is Seventh Ray.

Mercury  – He is a handsome young man with soft blond curls. He is of medium build, and it looks like he works out. He wears a short white robe with an opening at the chest. His boots have wings on them. He also has a yellow upside-down triangle below his collar bone.

Moses  – He is a big man. He has a barrel chest and wears a caftan type robe with a v neck. He has shoulder length brown hair and a wiry beard. He ascended as Lord Ling but often appears in his Moses form.

Mother Mary  – She has a slight build and dark hair. She is petite and ethereal.

Pallas Athena  – She can appear on a white horse. She can wear a long purple cape with a roll collar. Her nose is straight, and her hair is long and dark. She often wears her hair with two plaits on the side of her head that are pulled to the back of her head in a ponytail. Her eyes are violet towards blue. She is quite stunning. She is tall, about 6 foot, and her muscles are sculptured. She looks like she could be into body building. She can appear with a short cross (like a plus (+) symbol) on her forehead. The cross is made of emeralds and amethysts and is edged with diamonds.

Paul, the Venetian  – He is a slight, short man with strawberry blonde hair and a trimmed beard. He often wears a velvet suit.

Portia (Lady Portia)  – She has dark hair, blue eyes, plaited hair at side, and wears a veil with a roll that falls from top of head and flows down her back.

Ptah  – He carries a short sword. He wears a black, tight fitting jacket with a long coat. Under the jacket he shows me the wings of the solar disc – a creator god. His aura colours are a soft luminescent pale green. His eyes are almond shaped and aquamarine with a black rim to the iris. He is similar to Amen Bey but is much shorter and of more solid build.

Quetzalcoatl  – His aura is of ruby and white. He has dark hair with a red shine to it that is shoulder length and parted in the middle. He can appear with bunches of hair to the side of his head. He wears a gold collar studded with turquoise which covers his shoulders and goes down onto his chest.

Ra-mun – He appears as an Egyptian god. He wears false wings and wears a bird's beak on this forehead. He is a Seventh Ray Master.

St. Anthony of Padua  – He has curly red/copper hair (which in that type of hair, never sits well) and looks a bit dishevelled. But he says he wasn't interested in how he looked, so it didn't matter to him. He wears a brown monk's robe. From my awareness, he walks with those who have shared a past life with him.

St. Germain  – He has a styled mustache and light brown hair. He wears a violet/purple coloured cape. He is well dressed, with lace at the neck of his shirt (like in his days at the royal courts) and sometimes a sword on his hip.

St. John, the Baptist  – He wears a mid-blue robe with a black and white plaited belt.  His hair is auburn/ brown and worn off his face above his shoulder. His eyebrows are bushy. He has a mole on his left cheek. He is a big man with a barrel chest. He sometimes carries a staff.

Sanat Kumara  – He has a bald head, an open face, and is short in stature.

Serapis Bey  – He always wears a white robe, sometimes there is a hood. He has black hair.

Sitatapatra  – She is the goddess of the white parasol. This ancient goddess was the Ascended Master teacher of Gautama Buddha. She wears a red dress and carries a white parasol.

Shiva  – He has long, dark hair pulled back off his face. His eyes are dark. He wears a white, loose top and pants. His skin is translucent, and his features are refined. His build is slender.

Susan'oo  – The Japanese summer storm god. He has almond shaped eyes and winged eyebrows (a feature in themselves). He looks like he is from another planet; his eyes don't quite fit into our parameters. He looks stern and fierce.

Thomas Merton  – He is short. He wears a monk's robe. His hair is dark yet blading. He appears middle aged.

Ti  – An ancient Chinese supreme deity. He wears a red silk mandarin collared robe. His long black hair is plaited very finely and is pulled back off his face making his eyes tilt up. He has refined features.

Tsukuyomi  – The Japanese Shinto god of the moon. He has a barrel chest. His eyebrows are very straight. His hair is black. His face is plump and full. He appears kindly in expression.

Vesta  – Her dark hair is tied back and twisted in the ancient roman fashion.

Vishnu  – He has Asian Indian features, and his face is broad. He has facial hair around the mouth. He has long, dark hair; the top half is pulled up into a top knot, while the bottom half is curling tresses, not quite ringlets. He has thick eyebrows. He is a bigger build than Shiva.

Yogananda  – He has wavy dark hair that is long and parted in the middle. He appears as his photo.

Yemayah She is an African woman with very dark complexion. Her hair is tight, wiry curls. She had huge, pendulous breasts. She wears an apron. Silver orbs dangle from her ears. She is a Master of the home, fertility, love, and the Divine Mother as pertains to the Fourth Ray. She is a Fourth Ray Master.

White Tara  – She wears gold adornments in her hair which are artfully arranged. Her face is very refined. Don't confuse her with Amaterasu.